- ビジネスディベロップメント
- ファンド管理
職種内容: アジア各国の投資先と日本企業との(事業及び資本)提携について、日本拠点ベースで創造・推進して頂きます。またアジア各国のスタートアップとの協業を企図する日本企業(金融機関等含む)に対するLP出資募集活動及び既存LPリレーション活動等も担って頂きます。
応募資格: 原則としてエンタープライズ向けコンサル・営業等の3年以上の就業経験またはそれに準じる職務経験を有する方。
雇用・勤務形態: 正社員または契約社員(試用期間:3ヶ月)
勤務地: オンライン/東京オフィス勤務のハイブリッド 東京オフィス住所:東京都千代田区霞が関1-4-1 日土地ビル2F ※原則として業務に応じてフレキシブルに対応と致します。
給与: 経験や能力、前職条件などを考慮の上、社内規定に従い決定
- 会計・財務経理・監査・法務等の各管理系タスクに対する一時対応、顧問事務所とのリレーション対応
- ファンド係数管理
- LPリレーション全般(適時報告レポート作成、報告業務)
- 契約書関連のチェック、管理
- その他バックオフィス業務など
応募資格: 一般企業における経理業務等の経験があり、一般的かつ基本的な財務会計知識を有する方。
雇用・勤務形態: 正社員または契約社員(試用期間:3ヶ月)
勤務地: オンライン/東京オフィス勤務のハイブリッド 東京オフィス住所:東京都千代田区霞が関1-4-1 日土地ビル2F ※原則として業務に応じてフレキシブルに対応致します
給与: 経験や能力、前職条件などを考慮の上、社内規定に従い決定


Takeshi Ebihara
Founding General Partner
Ebihara has been in the industry 30 years as Venture Capitalist, as well as serial entrepreneur himself.
Also founded and managed several internet companies himself includes stock-ex listed public company.
He is mentoring at many accelerators, speaking for a lot of startup events to contribute startup ecosystem. He is a board member of many startup companies in SE Asia and Japan.

Bindu Reddy
India Investment Lead
Bindu is responsible for leading, and managing deal sourcing, due diligence and managing communication with the portfolio companies. Prior to Rebright, she was an AVP and leading a team of 15 analysts at Tracxn, a market intelligence firm in India. She is an alumnus of University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering and SDA Bocconi.

Hammad Maddekar
Senior Associate
Hammad Maddekar is responsible for deal flow and sector research activities. Prior to Rebright, he worked at Sunicon Ventures as an analyst researching early-stage startups in India across various sectors.
He is an alumnus of Mumbai University. He worked with NA Shah Associates and Grasim Industries in Audit, Assurance, and Risk Management departments previously.

Hidemasa Ikeda
Business Development Manager
After completing an MBA at George Fox University (USA), he joined Rakuten, Inc. At Rakuten, he promoted partnerships with overseas technology companies and developed new businesses. Subsequently, he served as the representative director of the Japanese subsidiary of Singapore IT company and joined Rebright in 2024.

Brij Bhasin
Brij leads Rebright Partner’s investments in India. Prior to Rebright, he was part of founding team of GSF Accelerator, one of India’s largest and oldest Accelerator program.
He was and advisor and part of early team at Little Eye Labs which was acquired by Facebook 2014.
He has built world class technology products for over 12 years as part of several startups in India and US. He is a Computer Science graduate from the University of Minnesota, USA.